• Updated on 04/09/2019
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Possibility for the developer to be able to save an image of an HBITMAP handle or from raw data to a Win32 executable program.

Encrypted image and decrypted at execution. Help provided. Demo limit to one image size limit to 320×200.

Ideal when from an image program designed by a developer to be able to produce a Windows ,executable containing a


Example – Sample supplies that are easy to use.

Possibility of customizing the icon of the executable to be produced.

Possibility to download a full-function trial license limited in time.

Win32.Jpeg backup format.

The executable produced by these APIs does not require any JPEG decompression support and can be executed in any Windows system without having to

to install these APIs.

Rédigé par : The Logithèque Editorial Board

Capture d'écran API PToP